Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Christmas Countdown

So, Christmas is much closer than I thought and with that comes going back to work. January 4th I will be back at my desk! It is hard to believe that it has been 5 weeks since surgery...it literally feels like days.

I am learning new habits every day. No major issues still, however I did have my first significant "stuck" issue last night. It was my first time going out to dinner and I ate broiled chicken. I am not sure if I ate too fast, if my pouch didn't agree with blackened chicken or what but it was more than unpleasant. It was stuck for nearly an hour before it finally came up. When it did, it was INSTANT relief! Ugh...never want that to happen again.

I am still surprised at what my diet consists of as I never would have guessed that these sorts of things would appeal to me. Boca Burgers, turkey meatballs, Babybel Light cheese with saltines, creamed soups are all on the menu. Interesting to say the least...

I haven't been on the scale since my 2 week visit but I am certain I am getting smaller. I am trying to focus more on my size than the number of pounds. I am wearing a pair of jeans that were tight before surgery and I can pull them down without unbuttoning them with ease! Shocking!

I see the nutritionist on Monday for my 6 week follow up and a weigh in is part of that appointment. We shall see.

I also decided that I am going to take a picture of myself every 2 months so I have a good record of the loss. See you next week (with pics)!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nearly one month out...

This week has been great. I have had more energy than I have had in a while and I am happy to report that a lot of my clothing is getting bigger. Last weekend, we put up our Christmas Tree and I am thrilled! I am home from work this year and I am enjoying every second of sitting by that tree in the evenings once it gets dark. There is nothing better to put me in the holiday spirit!

I was cleared for exercise on Monday when I saw the surgeon. He is very pleased with my progress. I went  to the gym 4 consecutive days this week...that must be a new record for me. I love water aerobics so much and I so happy to be able to move freely and exercise again.

I have still not had any major problems since surgery. The only issue has been taking pills...some are so big and I have to take them so many times a day that sometimes they get stuck. That feeling is the absolute worst! It literally feels like I swallowed an egg whole. I can feel where they are stuck and it is so painful that it takes my breath away and I wish that I could vomit just to move them! I can feel them going all the way down also...which is freaky!

I have found some protein powder that I like and they are doing a 30% off sale so I bought some this morning. It is so much easier when I can have one shake a day to make sure I get up to my protein requirements.

That's all for now...just taking every day as it comes and trying to keep my pace slow (which is hard for me!)