Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nearly one month out...

This week has been great. I have had more energy than I have had in a while and I am happy to report that a lot of my clothing is getting bigger. Last weekend, we put up our Christmas Tree and I am thrilled! I am home from work this year and I am enjoying every second of sitting by that tree in the evenings once it gets dark. There is nothing better to put me in the holiday spirit!

I was cleared for exercise on Monday when I saw the surgeon. He is very pleased with my progress. I went  to the gym 4 consecutive days this week...that must be a new record for me. I love water aerobics so much and I so happy to be able to move freely and exercise again.

I have still not had any major problems since surgery. The only issue has been taking pills...some are so big and I have to take them so many times a day that sometimes they get stuck. That feeling is the absolute worst! It literally feels like I swallowed an egg whole. I can feel where they are stuck and it is so painful that it takes my breath away and I wish that I could vomit just to move them! I can feel them going all the way down also...which is freaky!

I have found some protein powder that I like and they are doing a 30% off sale so I bought some this morning. It is so much easier when I can have one shake a day to make sure I get up to my protein requirements.

That's all for now...just taking every day as it comes and trying to keep my pace slow (which is hard for me!)

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