Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Whole New World

Today is the day before Thanksgiving 2009. I am not sure how to feel about the holiday since everything changed the moment I had gastric bypass surgery on November 9, 2009.

It was a long journey to surgery...18 months to be exact. I struggled every day with the weight loss requirement. I thought that I was ready so I didn't know why the scale wouldn't budge. Little did I know at the time, I had too much in my head and heart that I needed to work out before I was really ready. I suppose I should have gone back to my philosophy that everything happens for a reason...but that's easier said that done in the moment.

Since surgery, my recovery has gone pretty well (from what I hear from others). Went into the hospital on a Monday morning, came home on Wednesday. No nausea, no vomiting, no trouble getting protein in (except that protein shakes are VILE). I am still experimenting with that as we speak.

However, there are some things that I wish someone had told me beforehand such as:
1) The gas is horrible post-op. I literally woke up from surgery burping. I mean, I knew there would be some because of the gas they put in your belly for laproscopic surgery but that's not all that it was. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like "air in the lines" of a fountain soda machine. And the pain is one of the worst things I have ever felt...and it's all over the place. Hard to tell post-op what should be cause for alarm when you are in pain...scary.

2) Protein shakes are ridiculously sweet and your tastes change after surgery. It was so difficult to drink those shakes because of the sweetness and the smell. The smell is vile as well but you have no choice but to get used to other way to get the protein in.

3) That I would be so tired for so long. I am a little more than 2 weeks out and the exhaustion is incredible. I think I am feeling good then I go out and even the walking is tough.

4) That everything has to be chewable or liquid - I was told to get supplements and then told to get different ones after surgery. Though I am part of a comprehensive program with a "team" approach...this is one area where I don't think the team is on the same page.

Overall though, I have no regrets at all. My body is healing very quickly it seems (thanks to my surgeon for not using staples or stitches...the steri-strips are working just fine and the wounds are just about done).

I had my 2 week follow up on Monday with nutrition...I am down 15 pounds in 2 weeks!

I feel I have my whole life ahead of me. It feels different from before since now I know that it was a long and FULL life. I am so excited to start living my dreams and not be limited by this body any more!

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