Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lots to be grateful for...

Well, Monday will be three weeks out from surgery. I am starting to get some energy again and I am hoping to get to the gym and walk on the treadmill a bit this week. I am looking forward to seeing my surgeon for my follow-up this week too. Boy, do I have lots of questions for him!

This week was my first holiday post surgery...Thanksgiving. So many people have said to me that I was nuts for having surgery so close to the holidays but I wouldn't have it any other way. I had waited so long that I was ready to go and it didn't matter what else was going in on the world.

Thanksgiving went really well despite the fact that at times my brain wanted to eat like everyone else.  My body is clearly NOT on the same page as my brain. I had my "approved" meal of 2 oz turkey, 1 tbsp squash and 1 tbsp mashed potato. It was delicious and more importantly, it was ENOUGH. One interesting observation though...I was concerned that my slow pace at the table would throw a wrench in dinner because I would be done before others (with their 2nd, 3rd portions, etc). Not so! I have to pay a lot of attention to the clock so that I don't eat too quickly. I was certainly surprised to see that most everyone filled their plate and finished it in less than 10 minutes! All that time and energy to prepare a meal coupled with the unrealistic expectations that every family is like a Norman Rockwell painting and the whole thing was over in 10 minutes? Unreal...

I am feeling good and happy that my husband went out to get a Christmas tree today. Bring on Christmas! I am ready...

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